Deepika Padukone who is Currently shooting for Romeo and Juliet opposite Ranveer singh said to a leading newspaper “Show me one person who doesn’t want to work with Salman Khan! And now, let me tell you, I may have debuted with Shah Rukh Khan, but Salman was the first person to offer me a film.
“He spotted me way before Om Shanti Om, when I did my first Liril and Close Up ads. I had just hit the modelling circuit then. So the proposal is pending. I want to work in a romantic film with him, a nice love story.
“I have always shown my fondness for him. He comes across as a very romantic person and that will reflect on-screen.”
Padukone also denied that she is romantically involved with her current co-star Singh.
She added: “Going out with someone for coffee or dinner is a normal thing among youngsters. I don’t understand why such a fuss is being made about it. If I want to go out on a hundred dinner and coffee dates, I will go and no one has the right to question it. I am going about my life as a normal 26-year-old.”
Well , First Arjun Rampal and Now Deepika Padukone , Looks like the Khan Camp is Getting Shifted from one to another .
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